Dutch Zagt Holstein Beef
Dutch Zagt Holstein Beef is a premium beef with a unique pedigree. The Dutch Association of Quality Beef (KWAL) has given this breed its seal of approval, which means that it meets strict criteria for quality, safety, traceability and sustainability.
In order to become certified, Dutch Zagt Holstein Beef farmers must meet the following requirements:
- They must be members of the KWAL and agree to follow the association’s rules.
- They must adhere to strict animal welfare standards set by the Dutch government.
- They must use high-quality feed that is scientifically formulated to meet their animals’ specific needs throughout their lives (from birth until slaughter).
- Their farms must be inspected annually by a qualified third party to ensure that all standards are being met.
- They must follow strict traceability measures for each animal from birth until slaughter.
- They must have a clean and safe environment for their animals, free of any chemicals or substances that could compromise the quality of their meat.
- They must follow strict rules for how to handle the animals, from birth to slaughter.
- They must never use antibiotics or hormones during their animals’ lives.
What Is So Special About Dutch Zagt Holstein Beef?
The Dutch Zagt Holstein Beef is special because it has a high-quality taste and texture. It also has a lower fat content than other types of meat. The farmers who raise this type of cattle have strict rules about how to raise their animals, which means that they are overall healthier and happier than those raised on factory farms. The Dutch Zagt Holstein beef is some of the best in the world. It’s high quality, free range and raised without antibiotics or hormones. It also has a very low fat content (only 2%), which makes it extremely healthy for you to eat.