Grooming Your Dog the Right Way
Good grooming habits should start in the early stages of your puppies’ life. At this age they can be trained to sit or stand, and grooming becomes a part of their normal routine. All dogs need regular grooming and inspection, whether done by the owner, veterinarian, or groomer in Orlando.
A flexible pin brush, a fine and coarse tooth comb, and a knobby glove should be included in a basic home grooming kit. Brush and comb a long-coated dog several times per week, but even a short-coated dog should be brushed or wiped down at least once a week to keep the skin and hair healthy and vibrant.
Dog hair grows and dies just as human hair does, and almost all breeds shed at least twice a year. Regular bathing with shampoos that contain vitamins and minerals can help to remove this loose hair, and keep your dogs hair healthy and vibrant. But remember frequent baths, more than once a month can dry out the natural oils in the skin leading to itching, scratching, and sores.
Use aloe-based shampoos and conditioners on your dog if you bathe him frequently to keep his coat oils and skin healthy. While using shampoos, keep in mind that they are all coal-tar based soaps. Aloe vera, B vitamins, and other substances help. Please read the label carefully because pricey labels are not always a reliable indicator of quality.
To avoid a dull, sticky coat and dry skin, bathe your dog in warm water, soak to the skin, massage, and rinse completely. Repeat with a conditioner, and remember to keep water and soap out of your dog eyes and ears at all times.
Grooming is also essential for healthy skin by making the owner aware of any problems that may be developing. Flea allergies can cause severe skin problems, so daily examinations during the flea seasons are a must. Fleas are usually carried into the home unknowingly by humans on our clothes and shoes, so even indoor pets run the risk of getting fleas. If you choose to use the services of a groomer, ask your veterinarian, local dog club, kennel, friends, etc for recommendations. Call and or visit dog grooming Orlando facilities, ask about their practices and requirements, some require examinations, and observe their treatment of other dogs. Be as particular as you would for your own hair.
Using a groomer is highly recommended, but home grooming is still necessary and it greatly increases the bond you form with your special friend. We hope this short article has been of help to you.