
Surving The Holidays

The holidays are a time where many people connect food, family, and happiness. These connections are so strong that we can live off of Thanksgiving and Christmas food well beyond the holiday. This post will lay out some strategies that meat-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans can follow.


Stick more with the white meats. Follow the 50/50 rule for your plate. Half of the plate should be veggies. The other half should be everything else except deserts. Traditional Thanksgiving vegetables are seasoned by great cooks. Your body must be prepared to flush out salt. Drink water one hour before your meal and one hour after your meal. Water can aid in digestion and reducing your appetite. Don’t drink water during your meal.


Take advantage of your eating lifestyle by eating more uncooked or steamed vegetables earlier in your day. Go with a smoothie for breakfast the morning of Thanksgiving. Eat something more cleansing earlier during the morning like oatmeal. Follow the water rules that were given to the meat-eaters. Make sure that your plate is sixty percent vegetables and forty percent other foods. Desert should not be on your first plate.


Take advantage of your eating lifestyle by eating more uncooked or steamed vegetables if your plan is to eat cooked vegan meals. Yes, there are vegan meats – just type “The Best Vegan Meat” on Google and see the results, there are vegan versions of turkey, macaroni and cheese, dressing, pie, and other great foods. Smoothies are also another tool in your arsenal for the morning of Thanksgiving. Stick with your distilled water. Use the water rules given to meat-eaters and vegetarians.