What To Do If You Have A Silverfish Infestation?
Many people are searching for answers to the simple question: how to get rid of silverfish infestation in their homes. This problem affects many people in Norway. It is usually not caused by the lack of hygiene, as many people would think, it has more to do with suitable hiding places and humidity.
To learn how to get rid of long-tailed silverfish naturally, you would first need to learn about their preferred living conditions, lifestyle and find out what they eat. They can be potentially dangerous and cause a lot of damage. They are damaging your walls, wallpaper, eating your food left out or your clothes in a wardrobe.
The reason why silverfish infestation is a common problem is that these bugs are born survivors. They have been around before prehistoric times, and developed advanced systems to hide from predators, while they are successful at breeding and hiding eggs. You might find it hard to get rid of silverfish infestation without being able to find the eggs and adults.
Therefore, if you want to fight these pests, you have to find out more about their species, you need to determine do you have skjeggkre eller sølvkre, and the causes of long-tailed silverfish infestation. First of all, there needs to be an undisturbed, dark and damp corner or area in your home that attracts the insects. This can be the cupboard under your kitchen sink, behind your washing or washing up machine, or even in a food storage cellar. Silverfish infestation usually occurs when there is food left out, therefore, you need to ensure that you start using airtight food containers for cereals, which are one of the favorites of silverfish.
To successfully locate long-tailed silverfish, you would have to move some furniture, dry out damp areas and get rid of food residues around the house. This would not take you more than a couple of hours and then you can start finding the routes they use. There is only little chance to find them at daytime, but there are some clever methods of locating them: you can sprinkle any powder out, like flour and see if you can see their trails. You want to do this close to the wall, and check it for a couple of nights. This would also give you an indication of where their nests and eggs would be located.
Call In The Professionals
If you don’t have the time, you can always call in the professionals. They will use their expertise and experience to eliminate your long-tailed silverfish problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.